Make the most of your land

Harvest solar and wind energy

Solar and wind farms offer landowners long-term, stable and attractive lease income. The power plants generate energy locally and help protect the climate and environment.

GP JOULE has been developing, constructing and operating wind and solar farms for more than 13 years. We are the right long-term partner for you.

The roots of GP JOULE lie in agriculture. Coming from this background, we take responsibility for the land we lease, for the landowner‘s income, for nature and for future generations.

Use your land to generate profit sustainably. Join Ireland’s journey to climate neutrality!

Make the most of your land
with solar and wind farms from GP JOULE
  • Your land, your opportunities
  • Good for you, good for ireland
  • How it works: Step by step
  • 100 % by your side: The Story of GP JOULE
  • Your electricity can do more

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